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DatoCMS stores the individual pieces of content you create from a model as records, which are much like table rows in a database. For backward-compatibility reasons, the API refers to records as "items".

You can learn how the records are structured at the API level, and everything that is necessary to interact with the records through CMA in the following detail sections:

Object payload

id  string
RFC 4122 UUID of record expressed in URL-safe base64 format
type  string
Must be exactly "item"
meta.created_at  date-time

Date of creation

meta.updated_at  date-time

Last update time

meta.published_at  null, date-time

Date of last publication

meta.first_published_at  null, date-time

Date of first publication

meta.publication_scheduled_at  null, date-time

Date of future publication

meta.unpublishing_scheduled_at  null, date-time

Date of future unpublishing

meta.status  null, enum  Example: "published"


meta.is_current_version_valid  null, boolean

Whether the current version of the record is valid or not

meta.is_published_version_valid  null, boolean

Whether the published version of record is valid or not

meta.current_version  string  Example: "4234"

The ID of the current record version

meta.stage  null, string

Workflow stage in which the item is

item_type{ type: "item_type", id: }

The record's model

creator{ type: "account", id: }, { type: "access_token", id: }, { type: "user", id: }, { type: "sso_user", id: }, { type: "organization", id: }

The entity (account/collaborator/access token/sso user) who created the record. It must be an object with type (e.g. 'account') and id properties.

Available endpoints